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Registration booking link for the Spalding Sympsosium at Cardiff University

On behalf of Dr Simon Brodbeck and the organisers of this year’s Spalding Symposium at Cardiff University, please see the booking link here for registration:

The 49th Spalding Symposium on Indian Religions, 19–21 April 2024

Venue: Council Chamber, Main Building, Cardiff University

Theme: Pilgrimage in South Asia

Registration fee for delegates: £60 full fee / £30 concessionary fee.

To register, please visit this webpage:

Please note that online registration will close on Wednesday 3rd April; so if you would like to register, please do so as soon as you can.

Unfortunately we are not able to arrange accommodation: delegates will have to arrange this for themselves.

Provisional schedule:

Friday 19 April

1.50 welcome

2.00 Keynote: Max Deeg (Cardiff University): ‘Dharmayātrā: from Regional Religious Traveling to Trans-Asian Pilgrimage’

3.00 Daniela Bevilacqua (ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon): ‘Tapobhūmi: when the Spiritual Power Saturates the Landscape’

4.00 tea

4.30 Justin Grosnick (Graduate Theological Union): ‘Jagannath the Pilgrim: Pilgrimage as Envisioned from the Perspective of Sacred Images’

5.00 Elizabeth A. Cecil (Florida State University): ‘Crossing Over: Tīrtha in Early Southeast Asia’

Saturday 20 April

9.00 Keynote: Catherine Hartmann (University of Wyoming): ‘Reading Milarepa in his Footsteps: how a Tibetan Pilgrim Engages the Life of Milarepa’

10.00 Dessi Vendova (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston): ‘Revisiting the Kāliṅgabodhi Jātaka’s Classification of Buddhist Shrines’

11.00 coffee

11.30 Shaashi Ahlawat (University of Pennsylvania): ‘Migrants to Pilgrims: Jains in Medieval Magadha’

12.00 Mrinalini Sil (Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi): ‘Imaging Sacred Spaces, Transregional Travels and Religio-Aesthetics of Jain Mercantile Mobility in Early Modern Bengal’

12.30 Umtul Aleem Kokab (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi): ‘Pilgrimage of the ‘Heretics’: an Ethnographic Study of Jalsa Salana, an Annual Gathering of Ahmadi Pilgrims in Qadian, India’

1.00 lunch

2.00 Michael D. Calabria (St. Bonaventure University, New York): ‘The Path of the Penitent: the Pilgrimage to Ajmer under Shah Jahan’

3.00 Parshati Dutta (University of York): ‘“All the Way to that Blessed and Gracious Place, the Corner of Security”: a Mughal Princess’s Pilgrimage and Matronage in the Sufi Shrine of Ajmer’

3.30 Imran Visram (Oxford University): ‘Pilgrimage in the Didactic Teachings of the Satpanth Ismaili Pirs’

4.00 tea

4.30 Tomoka Mushiga (University of Osaka): ‘The Development of a Hindu Sacred Site: Change from Śaiva to Vaiṣṇava Affiliation in Gayā’

5.30 Rutika Gandhi (University of British Columbia): ‘Digital Darshan: Reimagining Pilgrimage and Divine Connection in the Age of Social Media – A Case Study of Harsiddhi Mata Temple’

Sunday 21 April

9.00 Aneesh Raghavan (Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities): ‘Textual vs Tangible: Temples in the Kāñcīsthalamāhātmya’

10.00 Peter C. Bisschop (Leiden University): ‘The Moving and the Immovable: the Pilgrimage Landscape of Kālañjara’

11.00 coffee

11.30 Sowparnika Balaswaminathan (Concordia University): ‘Swamimalai Stories: Contemporary Place-Making in a Pilgrimage Town’

12.30 Jim Mallinson (Oxford University): ‘Pilgrimage on the Margins: Hinglaj and Dhinodhar’

1.30 lunch